Summer Series : Israel, 2023

Each week this summer, K. brings you a selection of four articles that have already appeared in our pages, but which have been brought together for the occasion around a few key themes. This week: a feature on the political situation in Israel, with articles by Guy G. Stroumsa, Bruno Karsenti, Sari Nusseibeh, Danny Trom.


A two-headed nation

By Guy G. Stroumsa – Published on January 25 2023

A historian of religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Guy G. Stroumsa – starting from the shock felt by many at the results of the last Israeli elections and in front of a government in which the extreme right-wing nationalist and orthodox religious parties figure prominently – reviews the new political situation in Israel. He emphasizes the religious dimensions of the problem and the difficulties that the history of Zionism has faced in its attempt to resolve, without success, the question of the interweaving of the religious and the national in Israel.

Demonstration against the Netanyahu government in Israel, January 21, 2023, Source Twitter

>>> Read Guy G. Stroumsa’s text

Israel, 2023 : What We Hold on

By Bruno Karsenti – Published on March 8 2023

Examining the political situation that is inflaming Israel, Bruno Karsenti gives an account of the multiple fractures that deeply divide the populations living in the region. All the sub-groups in turmoil – religious Zionists, Israeli citizens demonstrating in defense of a modern democratic state now in danger, Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories – are brought back to the same question, which touches on the feeling of belonging, which is felt in different ways. For although it is of equal intensity, it does not have the same content or the same meaning according to the perspectives involved. To belong or to possess? Sari Nusseibeh returns in this week’s issue of K. to the tension between these two words. Bruno Karsenti’s text can be read like an introduction to the Palestinian philosopher’s contribution.

Réfugiés juifs européens arrivant à Haïfa après la déclaration d’Indépendance d’Israël


>> Read Bruno Karsenti’s text

Belonging and Possession.

By Sari Nusseibeh – Published on March 8 2023

Remarks on human values, alongside Buber

Sari Nusseibeh, 74, is a prominent Palestinian philosopher who, after studying at Harvard, was president of the Arab University in Jerusalem. A former PLO representative in Jerusalem and a longtime player in negotiations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, his books include What Is a Palestinian State Worth? and The Story of Reason in Islam. In his paper delivered on January 24 in Jerusalem at the symposium “Martin Buber and His Legacy” organized by the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Letters, he offers a philosophical analysis of the verbs “to belong” and “to possess” – in the context of the unique equation that in Israel-Palestine sees two peoples for one land.

Negev Desert, Wikipedia Commons


>>> Read Sari Nusseibeh’s text

Let’s pray !

By Danny Trom – Published on April 4 2023

Confronted with the illiberal temptations of the Netanyahu government, how can we sort out the criticisms of Israel that aim to find a solution by recalling what was the main intention of this state and those that aim to destroy it ? And, in particular, how can the criticism from Jews in the Diaspora, especially from Europe, free itself from its inhibitions and fears of being misused in order to assert its singular position?

David Ben Gurion reading the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel. Tel Aviv, May 14, 1948

>>> Read Danny Trom’s text

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