One month since October 7. Every day that passes confirms that the unprecedented massacre perpetrated by Hamas was the spark that ignited the spirits and triggered increasingly worrying events. The…
“Israel must not avenge itself”, the international press, especially the French press, repeats in a chorus. There is no doubt that this warning has the noblest pacifist intentions. But the…
The film The Boy tells the story of Avinoam and Barak, a father and son living on Kibbutz Kfar Aza, on the border with the Gaza Strip, as they face…
Since the 7th of October, the K. editorial team has changed its schedule and the rhythm of its publications. Today, thanks to the Philosophie magazine, we are publishing an interview…
The time has not yet come for our review to return to its usual rhythm and publish the texts we had planned. For what else can we think about but…
In this unprecedented time of ordeal, K. will not be publishing an issue this week. Instead, our Editorial Committee wrote a text, together : Israel, The Before and After.
Two weeks ago, K. dedicated its issue to the event represented by the petition “The Elephant in the Room” – an event in the sense that the criticism of the State…
In 1941, almost 600,000 Jews were living in Eastern Galicia – a territory that corresponds to today’s Western Ukraine. From the start of Operation Barbarossa on 22 June 1941, genocidal…
For several years now, there have been widespread attempts in Poland to instrumentalize the history of the Holocaust in favor of a glorifying narrative driven by Polish nationalism and relayed…
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Thanks to the Paris office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation for their cooperation in the design of the magazine’s website.